2023 MLK Youth Program & Gordon College Fair
to be held in-person on Feb 4th

We are proud to hold this event for the 44th year and encourage local High School students to stay in school and pursue college. Despite COVID concerns, this program will be held in-person.


Register online now (http://mlkyp2023.eventbrite.com/)  

Greenville, South Carolina - Greenville, South Carolina: Alpha Phi Alpha Greenville Foundation, along with Gamma Gamma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha and Furman University, will sponsor its 44th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth and Rudolph G. Gordon on Saturday, Feb 4th, 2023. this event return to the campus of Furman University, at the Trone Student Center from 10 AM to 1 PM 

This event seeks to recognize and encourage Greenville high school students to remain in school and pursue college. Greenville School District is a long-time partner with the program that has been conducted since 1977. High schools' guidance offices nominate students who excel in one of the six following categories:


Each high school has its selection method process, but we encourage them to select talented students in those above areas who may need encouragement to pursue college. Normally held on the first Saturday in February, we award Youth Awards certificates to all nominated winners a program from 12 noon.


We will also have the Dr. Rudolph G. Gordon College Fair (10 AM to 12 noon) invite colleges to send representation to the event. We hold two seminars on "Getting the most out Financial Aid" and "Experiences from their first year in College" with current and former students from Furman, USC-Upstate, and Clemson University. Dr. Gordon was a former Greenville School District Superintendent, and the College Fair was named after him in 2012. 


See Alpha Phi Alpha Greenville Foundation website for more information, www.alphagreenville.org.


 A listing of the MLK 2023 events and profiles can be found on this website and the Alpha Greenville Foundation's website at www.alphagreenville.org and at Furman University site https://www.furman.edu/diversity-equity-inclusion/events/martin-luther-king-jr-commemoration/


Bobby Clark or Allen Cook

Alpha Phi Alpha Greenville Foundation 

P.O. Box 5263 | Greenville, SC 29606-9998

(864) 735-0880| contact@alphagreenville.org