You are now able to donate directly to the
Alpha Phi Alpha Greenville Foundation
established as a 501(3) organization in 2012
Normally, we use our annual Scholarship Gala and our Golf Tournaments to raise funds for various Foundation efforts. However, we have other sponsoring options available. Please consider joining our sponsor to support the foundation by contacting us at
But perhaps, you don't want to wait until next year's Celebration to give to our cause. If so, we have a new option for you.
You are now able to
donate directly to AGF
Donate at any amount plus
a $1.00 online transaction fee per $25.
We are using PayPal accounts to collect donations for Alpha Phi Alpha Foundation, but you don't need a PayPal account to pay online. Just click on the "If you do not currently have a Paypal account" option.
Thank you for your support of our efforts.